About Me
My pronouns are she/her, and my prénom rhymes with papaya: Sophia. I don't love the taste of papaya, but I like the color. I'm a former college basketball coach, educational recruiter, and
high school teacher with a BA in French from Dartmouth, a Master's from Harvard's Graduate School of Education, and a recent PhD in Curriculum Studies from DePaul. My dissertation research illuminated experiences of transgender and nonbinary athletes; it was approved
without revisions. I also developed an inclusive curriculum framework that empowers students
to discover themselves and the impact they can have on the world. Building academic,
athletic, and inclu-personal* capacities in learners of all ages is my passion.
*Yes, I invented this word: "inclu-personal" describes impactful practices
that embrace diversity, nurture self-discovery,
disrupt systems of oppression, and create empathetic global citizens